7 Reasons why you need to get SAM !
Now, with just about a day and 20 hours left for SAM's release, it's important for one to know, as to what makes SAM so special. So here's 7 reasons why you need to get SAM:
- He's versatile, SAM adapts to your likes and dislikes and acts accordingly, be it the Weather of your region, or your favorite Mixes, he's ready to get things done in the way you want...
- He's got things that most others don't... SAM maybe wanting to learn about you. all the time, however he's cautious about what he has to learn.. he'll never misuse your data, nor will he keep track on things you do.
- The Power of Speech Recognition! SAM's able to carry out some basic operations like playing music, fetching weather, responding to things you taught him and much more... and all of this with a push of a button!
- SAM's capable of reading out things for you, be it a casual book, an Article from Moviepilot or your essay on how to avoid the next apocalypse! And even readout specific Wiki articles, with no copy paste work!
- SAM's packed with things, that can help you even when you are at work! He'll read out your mails, help you send new ones, without taxing much of your internet, help you maintain your schedule by letting you set reminders, gather info for you and present them the way you want!
- He can be your savior too! Just imagine, you've got like an hour before school starts and got 10 math problems to tax your day left. Then switch over to the Calculator, that answers almost anything from Exponents, to addition to some pretty advance stuff.
- And when things get too serious, he'll let you play games with your voice! Yeah, you heard it right with your voice!
Interested? If you're, then get SAM here:
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